Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week from Hell

Hi :) holy crap I have had a horrible week. I feel so out of the loop and really miss all of the banded beauties in blog land!

I started off the weekend fired up because my boss pissed me off on Friday and over the weekend. MS and I spent a good part of Sunday moving me out of one office and into another.

Monday morning I woke up only to realize that my work computer and projector had been stolen from my car. The only thing worse than someone breaking into your car.... Is someone opening your unlocked car door and helping themselves to items that you have been trusted with by your employer. How embarrassing.

To add to the mess i had 7 new hires start on Monday, I missed 2 chiropractor appointments, and I stayed at the office for 12 hours the past 2 days. Thank God for the backup agent I didn't even know was running on my computer. Also thank goodness for IT guys who take care of shit ASAP. I had a replacement with All of my files A day later.

Wooooooosahhh. It's over. Vacation starts tomorrow at 430 am. Hopefully this raging headache will go away by the time I wake up!

On the band front I had something crazy happen this week. I have had amazing restriction since my last fill. Literally couldn't eat much at all and was rarely hungry. I was worried because I'm scheduled for an adjustment next Thursday. I didn't want More restriction!

Welp, nothing to worry about now because yesterday the flood gates opened and I am hungrier than I have ever been in my life!

This morning I made a shake that had close to 400 cals and tons of protein just to try and hold me over. I had another protein shake for lunch. Was starving mid afternoon, starving when I got home and I'm laying in bed ready to gnaw my arm off!! Fill me up!! This is NOT fun!!

I guess it will be ok because I'll be walking so much at Disney that I'll probably won't gain any weight. The good thing is I can't eat a large quantity of food in a setting, I just have this ravenous hunger in between meals.

Ok sorry for the rant! What a week!!!
Still thankful for all my blessings. Can't wait to catch back up on all of your blogs!


  1. Hi girly!! Missed your writing! I am so sorry to hear about your week and especially for the theft out of your car. Been there and it sucks!! Just think - you are going on vacation!!! I hope you have an AMAZING and fun time!! Eat a healthy snack in between your meals if you have to, you will be walking a ton. I can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back. I may be in Orlando this weekend as well at the Nickelodean hotel for my friends daughter and grand daughters bday. Have a great trip!!

  2. Hey, I've been wondering about you - what a freakin' week you've had, UGH! But now you're on vacation and you're going to have a GREAT time, I'm sure!

    Enjoy the walking and the sights, and let us know what a wonderful time you had once you get back!
